Unrivaled Insight

At Pendulum, we know good data drives better decisions for buyers and sellers. 

Our team is comprised of finance professionals who live and breathe data. We maintain a real-time view of the market and curate detailed insight for our clients so they can make informed pricing decisions. 



We develop a comprehensive pricing strategy that we adjust, for market changes, throughout the engagement.
We don't just rely on a few comps or a “guestimate. 



We provide analytics and share our view on a “fair value” so you can make informed decisions.

Selling or buying an apartment or a home within a Homeowners Association (HOA)? We will analyze the entire building or development to create the best outcome possible for you. 

To learn more, contact us.

Work with Us

Learn about our “client-first” approach including transparency and personalized analytics, unparalleled guidance and support, reduced listing fees for sellers and cash rebates for buyers.

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